Musings on the Eve of My 28th Birthday
July 15, 2013
The Point of this Blog
July 22, 2013

Internet Inspiration – July 19, 2013

My new favorite artist. And his CD is so great. But my favorite part of this video is when he out-Spice Girled the Spice Girl at 3:22. Amazing.

Major props to Alex Franzen for reframing a break-ups. I especially love Step #6, to commit to making art every day!

I have a new favorite Etsy shop, and it’s delightfully snarky.

I’m sorry, what? All I need to level up my stargazing is a pair of binoculars?

I really love Penelope Trunk, and even though I don’t particularly care about the list of things she got wrong, She said the following two gems that I LOVE.

– The people who are wrong the most are the most confident and decisive.

– The real reason I don’t mind being wrong is that you can’t ever be right in a way that matters if you’re never wrong.

I wholeheartedly love whatever Melissa Joulwan posts, and this set of Raves is no exception. All of the quotations she references are great, and I am all about the life motto, “There is no wrong way to have a body.” I’m unbelievably over the phrase “Real women have…”

I think this is maybe my 20th straight week telling you how much I love Emily Henderson. But I DO!! And for this week, she has an awesome craft idea! AND she nails the age-old question, “How do I redecorate after a breakup?” With just the right balance of snark and sweetness.


Have a great weekend!