You Aren’t Stupid Enough for This
July 28, 2015
Talk to Me
August 11, 2015

Internet Inspiration – July 31, 2015

Over the weekend I took myself on a little Artist’s Date (as part of the Artist’s Way protocol, which I highly recommend to everyone) to see Amy and Trainwreck. Polar opposite Amys! Or maybe Amy Squared.

Anyway, this is a good overview of the “postfeminist” stuff going on in the movie Trainwreck. I don’t know. I read this article before I saw the movie and really liked what I was reading but I didn’t really get any of that in the movie. I didn’t get the sense that Amy’s reform in the movie was conscious in any way. I didn’t get that she realized how she was numbing out from life and disposed of those behaviors. I still read it a lot as, “I want to be with this guy and I’ll do whatever it takes, including giving up my vices.” So perhaps it’s an unconscious growth, but I prefer consciousness. In fact, Amy’s sister is the real heroine for me: she is whole and sovereign in her life, doesn’t allow Amy to speak to her in a condescending way, and delivers the most wonderful line in support of the outfit her son chose one day, “That’s what the inside of his heart looks like today. Be nice.”

Regarding the Amy Winehouse documentary, it was heartbreaking, to be honest. I hadn’t listened to a lot of Amy’s earlier albums, so it was nice to see those. Russell Brand, who has always written eloquently about Amy and addiction, posted this amazing thing on facebook.

We’re told that everybody’s special but not everybody’s specialness can be mined and sold. My hope is that the wound we collectively feel may be our salvation. That we share this pain and that will be our redemption.

The Holy Yes.

Our Holy Yes summons our intelligence to learn new skills, our creative genius to lead the way. It calls on our willingness to live true stories and abandon hollow tales. Our deep devotion feeds our determination to do the work, to build that boat, to cross that sea, to give ourselves, body and soul, to the task at hand.

If you get dumped, it is safe and necessary to be honest about how you’re feeling. Grieve. Get help.

… so many aspects of all the things that I tried helped, but the most signifigant plan to start me on the road to recovery was honesty. It was free, not sold at any new age book store, no registration fee, never once featured on “Super Soul Sunday” and it did not have its own Instagram account.

Why was this so helpful? Well I had been living a lie for such a long time about the misery of my relationship that I suddenly couldn’t lie anymore once it ended. Many people would consider this to be a union made in codependent heaven, but I felt like somehow my agreement to my boyfriend was to never say anything negative about him no matter what he did because the facade of our happy life would be over. Everyone would have seen that there was no Wizard of OZ. There were just two unhappy people not talking to each other at night while “Law and Order” played in the background. Gross, right?

I decided this week that I need to spend less time on social media. I’m not sure yet what that will look like, but it was a hard week for news. The newest stressor for me was the crucifixion of the man who shot Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe. There’s a lot going on there, and I’m not trying to excuse the killing, but the international public shaming is hard to watch. I just don’t see how it’s a constructive way to create a better society. So I offer this eloquent talk on the price of shame from Monica Lewinsky.

We talk a lot about our right to freedom of expression, but we need to talk more about our responsibility to freedom of expression. We all want to be heard, but let’s acknowledge the difference between speaking up with intention and speaking up for attention.

I love these suggestions from Amy Poehler about how to respond to rude people.

This is the part where you apologize to me. You guys screwed up and this is where you make me feel better about it.

Lavender is my favorite flower to eat. And this tart makes me want to bake.

Loved this list of sexiest works of art. I don’t think I realized classic art could be so erotic.

Today is a blue moon and my mom’s birthday! Here’s some notes on the energy of this blue moon.