This Post Has No Title, and I’ve Seen That Movie Too
July 10, 2013
Musings on the Eve of My 28th Birthday
July 15, 2013

Internet Inspiration – July 12, 2013

A very powerful interview from Dustin Hoffman on women he’s never met. Especially with the backdrop of the rampantly sexist treatment of Wimbledon champion Marion Bartoli, this is a breath of fresh air.

Friends, I’m very happy to report that I’ve finally been smartified! I picked up my brand-new, sparkly, wonderful iPhone last Monday, and I’m completely in love. A 21st-century businesswoman requires a 21st-century phone, am I right? And, of course, I require accessories, so I turned to archived posts from my girl Gala Darling. Here she outlines the best way to Pimp Your Phone, and here are 10 Apps that Will Change Your Life.

But here’s an excellent reminder that I still need human contact in order to keep my vagus nerve strong.

I’m always amazed at Scott Dinsmore’s ability to synthesize information into concise bits of information. Here’s his recap of the lessons he got from the World Domination Summit 2013.

I just really love this description Rachel makes of her husband and son:

I realized on this trip that people love Dan and Col for similar reasons. While many of us (hi, self!) are clamouring to be seen, to be recognized and appreciated, Dan and Col go about the business of living with a quiet passion. They don’t need to tell you about their work, but if you ask, they’ll share, in their thoughtful, slow-metered way. They were both lucky to be born with the kind of mind people meditate for years trying to develop. They don’t waste a lot of time wishing for something else; they’re usually too busy making their current antler/lego/elk/dirt dreams come true. Dan and Col are both fundamentally kind and generous and the kind of guy you want to have around if say, you need a flawless shelter constructed out of tarps at 11,200 feet.

I think these magazine recommendations from Sarah are spot. on.

The more I come here to write, the more I realize I have no idea what I’m doing. But I keep telling myself, “Done is better than perfect.” So I really appreciated Danielle reflecting on the beginnings of her blog.

My bloggers are really hitting the nails on the head this week. I love this description Katelyn writes of her daughter. I think for a lot of people this might resonate about a friend, or maybe themselves. I know I certainly recognize aspects of myself that utterly confound me; wild, untamed parts of me that just can’t be contained. Sometimes observing and listening are all you can do, all that is needed.

I loved this post from Gala about that time she danced naked in front of 13 other women. So awesome!


Have a great weekend! We are having our first class at the gym this Saturday! Wish us luck!!!