To Be or Not To Be
April 24, 2013
In the Throes of Surrender
May 1, 2013

Internet Inspiration – April 26, 2013

Guys, I can’t stop listening to this band. And I want them to come to Pittsburgh on a day when I can go.

Full Moon Reports from KV. She’s amazing!

“Matthew’s question is how to treat pigs more humanely and still have a profitable business. Every time he solves one problem, he gets another one. People  talk a lot about what makes a successful entrepreneur, and the answer is that they don’t quit. Each time a huge problem arises, an entrepreneur has a choice to work on solving it, or stop trying.” A great post from Penelope Trunk on how your responses to mistakes define your successes.

If you don’t know already, I have a very strict policy on jewelry: if some is good, more is better. And I want everything in this shop.

You know how much I love Alex Franzen. Actually, she was in my dream last night, come to think of it. Your work is NOT frivolous.

“Do not write from answers. Write from questions. Discover more questions. Our work is not to explain the mystery, but to expand it.” – Owen Egerton on rules for writing. [via Susannah Conway]


Have a great weekend!